Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm Famous!!

Hey there Kanakomo Ladies
How are you this week? I had a very interesting day today... I felt famous! But not really haha. I go to the Kanakuk Institute and it would not be possible without the help of all the donors! Today I signed over 100 cards thanking them for their donations! 

It is good, especially during the season of Christmas, to think about what you are thankful for! What has God given you that you should be thankful for? Here is my short list:

1. My family
2. My friends
3. Kanakuk
4. Being an American
5. Having a Savior who loves me personally!
6. YOU GIRLS!!!!

That is just a short list, there are hundreds of things I am thankful for! I encourage you girls to make a list for yourself!

Love you!


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