Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Carols

I have been apart of so many Christmas Parties this week that I thought I would share a fun Christmas Game with you.  Its really challenging!  What is does is writes a Christmas Carol in a different way.  You have to figure out what the Christmas Carol really is.  Here is an example:

Oh Blessed Evening is "O Holy Night"

Here is a harder one: 

Christmas of the Initial, Ordinal, Arethimatical Value is "The First Noel"

Its really fun.  What we usually do is split up into two groups and have 5 minutes to try and figure them out together.  Then, you see what team got the most right.

If you want to download it click here

Advent Calendar Update: ( we have to play some catch up this weeked but I am excited!)  Here is a pic of 1/2 our caldendar.  The other one is on the other side.  I just used Christmas Magazine pictures and wrapping paper scraps to make envelopes.

  • Day 5 - Make Cinamon Bagels.  ( We are doing this tonight!!!!)
  • Day 6 - Drop gift on friend's door Step.  (we are going to drop some bagels we made on my friend Ashley's door step.  Shhhh...don't tell her)  Check out her blog here.
  • Day 7 - Pray for family members - did that one!
  • Day 8 - Drop Money in the Salvation Army bucket. - going to walmart tonight to get ingredients for Bagels.  Done tonight!
  • Day 9 - Send Christmas Card to Someone Special - Doing this tomorrow!
  • Day 10 - Make Candy Cane Cookies.  Might not do this one.  My husband and I have sworn off all sweets until Christmas (due to the sweets overdose we got this week at all our 6 Christmas parties we attended.
  • Day 11 - (tommorrow)  Go to thrift store, buy a cheesy christmas sweater, and take pics in a photo booth.  Definitely doing this one!
  • Day 12 -(Sunday) Watch a Christmas movie.  I am trying to find the Matchstick girl.  Its one with "Rudy" from the cosby show. It was one of my favorites as a kid.

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