Thursday, February 3, 2011

A K-1 Kamper Spotlight....

There are many great things about my job.  One of the things that really makes my day, week, month...year is when I get to hear what the kampers at K-1 are up to.  I wish I could be at every soccer game, every school play, every dance competition, everything that a K-1 kamper does to cheer them on.  The problem is that I cannot and since I can't be everywhere I really rely on people letting me know what the K-1 kampers are up to.  K-1 has ages 7-13 kiddos and every year I am amazed what kid in those ages can accomplish.  Today, I found out about a K-1 camper.  Lucy Nickel, a k-1 month kamper last summer during term 1, wrote and memorized this speech.  It was so good that she was chosen to move onto the regional level to compete!  Not only that....a blog called "The Boot Scoop"  recognized her!  I couldn't find out fully what the Boot Scoop Blog is about but it seems to be its about supporting our troops, specifically wounded ones.  There are cool campaigns of how people, who once were in the military are helping to give back to those who have sacrificed their life and body for the freedoms of our country.  There are even celebrities on there who "put on their boots" to show they are committing to support the troops that come back.  I loved it because right there next to a blog about Troy Aikman ( a famouse retired pro quaterback) was Lucy!!!!  Way to go Lucy!  I wish I could be at the regional speech meet with a sign that says GO LUCY!!!!  The picture above is a screen shot of the blog where she is spotlighted.  Click here to read her awesome speech.  By the way Lucy, That speech was AWESOME!  Well said and really well written.  I wish more American's could honor their country like that!

By the way, I would love to honor more of you because I know you are out there doing GREAT stuff.  Send me an email or facebook me!

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